May 4, 2016  Special Spaces

Nominated by member Tisha Morillo

Pictured:  Cindy Sebald, Iris Velazquez, Justine Powell, Tisha Morillo, Brian German and other members of the Civil Air Patrol

Nov. 2, 2016  Bay Area Turning Point

November 3, 2021  Higher Up Texas

May 1, 2024  The Sanctuary Foster Care

NOTE:  See bottom of page for most current charity selected.  Charities previously receiving donations are eligible to be nominated again after one year.  There is no obligation to allow a nominated and/or selected charity to present at a current or future meeting

Pasadena Community Ministries feeds, clothes and provides other needed assistance to the disadvantaged and homeless in our local community.  The membership donated $6,200.

Nominated by member Merita Parker.

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald, Kristy Tankersley,

Merita Parker and Tracy Bush.

Nominated by Member:  Nancy Smith
Pictured:  Nancy Smith,  Cindy Sebald, Tracy Bush, Justine Powell,

Christie Norman and Rebecca Wright

Nominating  Member:  Diane Overman

Pictured:  Tracy Bush, Cindy Sebald, Hillary Gramm (Higher Up Texas), Diane Overman and Justine Powell

Back Pack Buddy is a nonprofit public charity established to assist the Santa Fe ISD elementary school children struggling with week-end food insecurity. Small bags of food and snacks are prepared by volunteers each week and placed in childrens' back packs so they do not experience as much hunger over the weekend and during school breaks.  All food purchased is done so with donated funds. 

Nominated by member Linda Kehoe

Pictured:  Linda Kehoe, Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald, Jean Killough, Tracy Bush

Feb. 2, 2020  TX Equu Search

Texas Equu Search's vision is to return those missing back to their loved ones.  Their mission is to be  committed to providing experienced, organized and ethical volunteer search efforts for missing persons, utilizing the most suitable and up to date technologies and methodologies.  They do this with determination, compassion, innovation, stewardship and collaboration.  Over the years, under the guidance of Tim Miller, and with teams of volunteers, they have located countless missing persons.

St. Claire of Assisi Catholic Church's organization Christians In Action helps local families, regardless of religious beliefs or affiliations, with a wide range of services including helping families with short-term critical rent emergencies, medical expenses, food, transportation needs and utilities.  They also have several outreach projects in progress.

Nominating Member:  Kathy Viscariello

Pictured:  Kathy Viscariello, Amy Castro (Starlight Outreach & Rescue, Tracy Bush, Justine Powell and Cindy Sebald

Pasadena Special Olympics helps individuals with disabilities overcome barriers through sports.  Our donations helped with the costs associated with sporting events that some of the individuals with disabilities would otherwise not be able to attend.

May 2, 2018  Christian Renewal Center

Aug. 2, 2017   Assistance League of the Bay Area

Aug. 1, 2018 The Mercy Tree

Created in 2013, the mission of The Mercy Tree is to feed  homeless people in the Clear Lake area.  Currently, these meals are prepared offsite by volunteers and delivered and served to homeless clients at various churches in the Clear Lake area.  The vision of The Mercy Tree is to serve meals indoors, where our clients can enjoy a break from Houston’s extreme weather, completely free of charge.

Nominating Member:  Sarah Foulds

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Members of Assisteens of the Bay Area

The mission of Assisteens, an all-teen auxiliary of Assistance League of the Bay Area, is to transform lives while strengthening the community.  The goals of participation are to develop a sense of community responsibility, self-reliance, personal responsibility, and leadership skills of high school members.   The Assisteens design and implement their own philanthropic programs, as well as provide support to Assistance League of the Bay Area programs and the community.

Nominated by Members: Elaine Don and Lisa Maxwell-Malik

Pictured:  Kathye Parma, Gale Schexnayder-Moch, Elaine Don, Lisa Maxwell-Malik, Justine Powell and Cindy Sebald

Nominated by member Staci Weyland. 

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald and Staci Weyland with the team members of Pasadena Special Olympics

April 30,  2019   Civil Air Patrol Ellington Field

The Civil Air Patrol at Ellington Field does amazing work at preparing high school students for a career in leadership, and should they choose, the United States military.  The money donated will go toward covering costs for local members of the Civil Air Patrol to participate in off-site learning and development activities.  Without assistance, these students would otherwise be unable to cover the costs and would potentially miss the opportunity to participate.  Also, it was clear that the students are learning to have tremendous poise and professionalism as demonstrated in their presentation.

Nominated by member Sherrie Matula

Pictured:  Sherrie Matula, Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald,

Tracy Bush and Lisa Dishman

The Christian Renewal Center ("CRC") is is a long established retreat center located in a park-like setting in Dickinson, TX with the established mission of being "... dedicated to ensuring a Christian environment where people can come together for spiritual renewal, reflection and growth as they seek to strengthen their relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ."  The CRC serves teens and adults and provides a setting for secular and corporate events for meetings and/or longer overnight stays. 

May 2, 2017    St. Clare Christians in Action

Nominating Member:  Margaret Sucre-Vail

Pictured:  Cindy Sebald, Margaret Sucre-Vail, Two Bay Area Meals on Wheels Representative, Jeanne Kokes, Tracy Bush, Justine Powell

Nominated by member Alicia Steinkuehler

Pictured:  Alicia Steinkuehler, Kim Reed, Cindy Sebald and Tracy Bush

Feb. 3, 2016  The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

August 5, 2020   Assistance League of the Bay Area

Nominated by member Lisa Malik

Pictured:  Tracy Bush, Cindy Sebald, Keri Lilley, Lisa Malik, Justine Powell

Aug. 7, 2019  Builders Without Borders

Nov. 1, 2023    Family Promise of Clear Creek

The mission of Family Promise is to help families experiencing homelessness and low income families achieve accountable independence through a community-based response.  Family Promise is a program which fosters families from homelessness to long term housing by offering shelter, food and hospitality at 13 local congregations.  

Nominating Member:  Martha Bowles

Pictured:  Cindy Sebald, Justine Powell, Martha Bowles, Peter Wuenschel (CIS), and Tracy Bush

Nov. 1, 2017    Back Pack Buddy

Nominated by members Bo Ogden and Lynne Ogden

Pictured:  Lynne Ogden, Betty Frazier and Bo Ogden

Nov. 7, 2018  St. Clare Project 3:17

Project 3:17 is a group of teenagers that provides home repair services to people in need.  They raise all of their own funds, are supervised by volunteer adults, and have done great work in our community, particularly for those who are financially struggling and cannot afford to fix their homes.   This is always a much needed service, however, hurricane Harvey caused so much more need. 

The mission of Assisteens, an all-teen auxiliary of Assistance League of the Bay Area, is to transform lives while strengthening the community.  The goals of participation are to develop a sense of community responsibility, self-reliance, personal responsibility, and leadership skills. The Assisteens design and implement their own philanthropic programs, as well as provide support to Assistance League of the Bay Area programs and the community.

Assistance League of the Bay Area is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that changes lives through philanthropic programs in the Houston Bay Area community.  They have numerous philanthropic programs though which children, men and women throughout our community receive assistance.  Examples include providing food and clothing to thousands of children, dressing adults re-entering the workforce,  providing books and school supplies, and dressing dozens of young ladies and men for senior prom.

February 2,2022.  Assisteens of the Bay Area

The Bridge Over Troubled Waters is a Family Crisis Center located in Pasadena, TX.  The organization's mission is to offer support, provide safety and prevent domestic and sexual violence. 

Nominated by member Sarah Foulds

Pictured:  Tracy Bush, Justine Powell, Sarah Foulds, Brooks Cima, Ann Halligan, Rita Baldwin (with Texas City ISD) and Cindy Sebald

Nov. 4, 2020    Family Promise of Clear Creek

The mission of Family Promise is to help families experiencing homelessness and low income families achieve accountable independence through a community-based response.  Family Promise is a program which fosters families from homelessness to long term housing by offering shelter, food and hospitality at 12 local congregations.  The money donated by 100 Women Who Care will be used to help pay for costs associated with automobile expenses for families that need transportation to go to work, appointments, etc. 

Pictured:  Linda Elting (Family Promise of Clear Creek) and nominating member Ann-Marie Doolin

Project Joy and Hope strives to prevent and relieve suffering for children with life-limiting conditions and illnesses, and their families, through community awareness, education, and special supportive care services and programs including scholarships, grants, family residence and palliative care.

Nominated by members Alicia Steinkuehler and Lisa Malik

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Tracy Bush, Cindy Sebald, Chris Stevenson, Alicia Steinkuelher, and members of the Project 3:17 team

Aug. 3, 2016  Pasadena Special Olympics

Feb 7, 2024   Clear Lake Food Pantry

Clear Lake Food Pantry  believes in being  a fountain of hope for our fellow friends in need. Through their ministries they strive to help feed the hungry, comfort the cold, and raise up the downtrodden. They believe  a helping hand is always worthy in the eyes of the lord.

Bay Area Turning Point provides recovery services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and facilitates violence prevention strategies for societal change.

Builders Without Borders believes that all people deserve the basic necessities and should be given the opportunity to create a better life for themselves and their families.  The company is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing food, housing, education, and medical services to disadvantaged people around the world.  The company has done a great deal of work in the local Clear Lake Bay Area helping homeless and disadvantaged citizens of our community have homes built and repaired.

May 3, 2023. Get Home By Grace

GET HOME BY GRACE ensures an impaired driver makes it home safely and also protects innocent individuals whose path an impaired driver may cross.  Through community support and outreach and with a commitment to saving one life at a time, GET HOME BY GRACE will make a difference by providing
free rides for impaired drivers and promoting community knowledge and education on the impacts of impaired and drunk driving;

Aug 7, 2024   Sailing Angels Foundation

Through boating excursions, Sailing Angels provides a compassionate, unique and healing experience for individuals with special needs and their loved ones.  This is an entirely volunteer run organization that has never turned away a single individual!

Nov 5, 2024  Jane Around the World

Jane Around the World through their facility, BETH-HARAN (House of Grace), provides transitional housing to make a sustainable difference in the life's of young adults aging out of Foster Care into a safe place to thrive.  

Nominated by member Gia Warner

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald, John Warner (Board Chair, CRC), Gia Warner, Tracy Bush

Nominating Member:  Diane Overman

Pictured:  Cindy Sebald, Justine Powell, Brenda Sykes (Bay Area Turning Point), Diane Overman, and Tracy Bush

May 4, 2022.  Bay Area Turning Point

Assistance League of the Bay Area is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that changes lives through philanthropic programs in the Houston Bay Area community.  They have numerous philanthropic programs though which children, men and women throughout our community receive assistance.  The most active philanthropy at this time is Operation School Bell which provides new shoes, clothing and hygeine kits for economically disadvantaged children attending in person school in our local communities. Examples of other philanthropies include providing food to children, dressing adults re-entering the workforce,  providing books and school supplies, and dressing dozens of young ladies and men for senior prom. 


Higher Up Texas is a two-part program that works with young adults ages 17-21.   Part one is a 2 hour per week class for high school seniors that teaches the tools and skills needed for adulthood.   After students graduate high school, they continue into Phase 2, a support system where everyone leans on each other to navigate adulthood and its challenges. Everyone empowers and encourages one another.

Nominating Member:  Kristen Wheeler

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald, Sister Ricca Dimalibot, M.D. (Christus Point of Light Clinic), Kristen Wheeler, Tracy Bush

Nominated by members Gale Schexnayder Moch and Cindy Kempf

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald, Gale Schexnayder Moch, Gina Evans, Tracy Bush, Cindy Kempf, Merrie Morales

Feb. 7, 2018 Assisteens of the Bay Area

Feb. 3, 2021 Communities in Schools Bay Area

Nominated by Member Marianne Bartos

Pictured:  Cindy Sebald, Tracy Bush, Tim Miller, Marianne Bartos and Justine Powell

Special Spaces provides fantasy bedroom makeovers for terminally ill children.  Our donations helped cover the cost of materials needed for the room makeover.

Aug. 3, 2022    Hope Active

The mission of Hope Active is restoring hope in humanity by actively
serving the needs of our local community and being a bridge between great people and greater hope.  Hope Active does this through programs that provide local at-risk youth  access to the necessary resources to grow and thrive.  They have served over 2,800  students/families in our local community through their mentorship program, back to school drive, toy drive, pantry of diapers and essential items, scholarships and other supporting programs.



Feb. 1, 2017  Project Joy & Hope

Nominated by member Marianne Bartos

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Dave McCabe, Marianne Bartos, Tracy Bush, 

Feb. 6, 2019  Pasadena Community Ministries

Nominated by member Carole Perry

Pictured:  Cindy Sebald, employee of The Bridge, Deborah Mosely, Carole Perry, Tracy Bush and Cindy Sebald

Nominated by member Susan Buschhorn

Pictured:  Gayle Nelson (with Family Promise), Tracy Bush, Justine Powell and Cindy Sebald

Aug. 2, 2023. Forgotten Pet Advocates

Forgotten Pet Advocates is an all volunteer organization that believes every animal deserves a second chance.  They are also the voice for those animals that have no-one to advocate for them.  Focus areas include spaying and neutering owned animals, educating the public on animal welfare, supporting street feeders and providing care and support for senior animals and animals in hospice.  

Nominating Member:  Gale Schexnayder-Moch

Pictured:  Raymond Steward and Michelle Owens (Hope Active), Nancy Ryan, Gale Schexnayder-Moch, Debbie May, Cindy Sebald, Tracy Bush and Justine Powell

Nominated by Member:  Annette Dwyer

Pictured:  Justine Powell, Cindy Sebald, Ellen Lancaster, Ann-Marie Doolin and Tracy Bush (missing:  Annette Dwyer)

Nominated by member Mary Smith

Pictured:  Mary Smith,  Donna Radmore

BATP is a non-profit community based social service agency providing services to individuals impacted by family violence and sexual assault. Additionally, the agency operates prevention and awareness services designed to bring an end to sexual and domestic violence.  It provides recovery services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and facilitates violence prevention strategies for societal change.  

Nov.  6, 2019   Beltway 8 South Crisis Pregnancy Center

The Crisis Pregnancy Center provides free and confidential support services for those involved in unplanned pregnancies. Pregnant clients are encouraged to enroll in the Life Education Assistance Program (L.E.A.P.). Through L.E.A.P. the center provides classes in prenatal care, delivery, parenting, life skills, and Bible studies. As clients work through the program, they grow in wisdom and knowledge while earning points to “purchase” baby items from the Blessing Room.  With a modest budget, small staff and team of volunteers, thousands of clients have been served over the years, and many lives of unborn babies have been saved. 

Nominated by Paula Durrett

Pictured:  Becky Khan, Paula Durrett, Debbie Moseley

May 5, 2021  Starlight Outreach & Rescue

Starlight Outreach and Rescue is a non-profit animal rescue that seeks to provide a better quality of life for stray and abandoned animals, medical attention beyond the scope/capabilities of the facilities, and fostering and rescuing services for animals with special needs.  The organization is named in honor of Emma Starlight Hyde who was just 14 years old when she passed away unexpectedly in October 2017. Emma and her mom Shelley, with the support of their family, volunteered at shelter events.

Nov. 2, 2022.   Christus Point of Light Clinic

​Christus Point of Light Clinic is focused on providing health and welfare services to people in need.  The Clinic opened in 1989 in response to a growing need for healthcare providers in a low-income area between Houston and Galveston. Thirty-one years later, the Clinic continues to provide quality, affordable healthcare to thousands of men, women and children annually.

Feb 1, 2023   Bay Area Meals on Wheels

For nearly 40 years, Bay Area Meals on Wheels has been serving hot meals to the elderly and home bound.  The organization relies on the  kindness of individuals, churches, and businesses that see the importance of making sure that people who are unable to make their own meals have healthy, hot meals delivered to their home.   Bay Area Meals on Wheels is an all-volunteer organization with no paid employees allowing nearly all financial gifts to go directly to serving their clients.

Note:  There is no obligation to allow a charity that has been nominated and/or selected to present at a current or future meeting.

Nominated by Member Lisa Maxwell-Malik

Pictured:  Lisa Maxwell-Malik, Dr. Jan Wheeler (Project Joy & Hope), Tracy Bush, Cindy Sebald and Justine Powell.

Nominated by member Carole Perry

Pictured:  Carole Perry, Karen Douglass, Allyson Mark (Assisteens Chairman Elect), August Threatt (Auxiliary Assistant Treasurer), Justine Powell and Cindy Sebald

The Sanctuary's vision is to become a model child placement agency by supporting children and families through Trust-Based Relational Intervention. From pre-licensing training to post-placement support, including their own staff of licensed counselors so that families have a one stop agency that can meet the therapy needs of the child, foster parents and families.

Educational enhancement is provided through the availability of tutoring to students on a one-on-one basis or in group settings. Students are also given incentives to excel academically.  Supportive Guidance is given by CIS case managers who work regularly with students on any issue of concern. Referrals to agencies are made for extensive counseling to the students and their families.  Pre-Employment Training is also provided through staff persons who offer pre-employment education to the students. Guest speakers present career opportunities in CIS group settings as well.  Parental involvement is also encouraged as an intricate part of their child’s development, through parenting classes, home visits and various activities.