For your tax purposes, all checks will be made out to the chosen organization. If for some reason you were not able to attend the meeting it is still required that you submit a check to the selected charity. The best ways to do that are to give your check to a member to deliver on your behalf, drop it off to our treasurer or mail it in.
In order to receive the member donations, the selected charity must agree to NOT use the donors' names for future solicitations or give the information out to the public.
Each member must commit to donating $100 per meeting ($400 per year).
The donations are given directly to local charities (national charities with a local chapter are eligible as well). The purpose is for the members’ contributions to stay in our community.
At each meeting, members submit a charity nomination form if they wish a particular charity to be considered for member donations. Three charities are randomly selected out of a basket and identified for presentation to the members at the next meeting (which allows time to prepare). A charity that has been selected for a donation previously can be renominated after one year.
The member who nominated the selected charity is given 5-10 minutes to make an informal presentation at the meeting. No power points or handouts are needed, the simpler the better! The member simply stands at the podium and shares information on the charity and how the member donation would make an impact on the community. A representative from the charity is welcome to accompany the member with the presentation to help provide more detail and information if needed. A few minutes are also provided to answer any questions.
Following the presentations, members vote by completing and submitting their ballots. The votes are tallied and the charity receiving the majority of votes is the selected charity for that meeting. Regardless of who you voted for, all members are required to write a $100 personal check to the selected charity.
If your name is drawn and you make a presentation and your charity is not chosen, you are eligible to put your charity nomination in the drawing at the next meeting, as long as you are present at the meeting.